
The Institute for Health Policy (IHP), housed in the College of Human Medicine (CHM) at Michigan State University (MSU), established a new Veteran Health and Wellness Collaborative (VHWC) and we are looking for partners. The VHWC brings together parties to build or expand pathways through which veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and their care partners optimize health and wellness outcomes.

The overarching goal of the VHWC is to serve as a statewide hub, connecting MSU and partnering universities’ faculty and resources with community partners and stakeholders.

We are happy to share the recording from our kick-off webinar held Wednesday, August 30, 2023 along with a summary that describes the poll results and the comments that were provided through the Q&A and the chat. If you are interested in reviewing the the slides directly, those are available for you as well. 

The recording can be found here.

The webinar summary can be found here.

The slide deck can be found here. 

Administrative Core Team


Senior Advisor- MG Dean G. Sienko, MD, MS, (U.S. Army ret.)

General Sienko retired in 2015 as a Major General after a 33 year career. His last assignment in the Army was as the commanding general of the Army Public Health Command, a 3,500 person organization that provides technical support and expertise in preventive medicine, public health, health promotion, and wellness to military units around the globe. In addition to his military service, General Sienko served as Vice President for Health Programs for the Carter Center and Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health, and Director of the Institute for Health Policy at the College of Human Medicine.

Institute for Health Policy Affiliates:


If you have any questions or want to speak with someone in person, you can email ihp.vhwc@msu.edu and your email will be directed or you can contact Kathleen Oberst at oberstka@msu.edu.



MSU earns gold status from the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency for the eighth year.